WATCH: The Magic of Australia’s Kakadu National Park

In the far north of Australia, past the vineyards of the Blue Mountains, the surfing Hotspots outside of Sydney and the Great Barrier Reef, is a mystical magical part of the country many overlook – but shouldn’t. Kakadu National park is like a time capsule from the Jurassic era – everything here is bigger and weirder than anywhere else in the world. The termite mounds can grow up to 30 feet high, the rivers are teeming with super sixed crocodiles and the billabongs support thousands of forms of plant and animal life not seen anywhere else in the world (There are ants that are bright yellow, and if you lick their underbellies they taste like a lemon lime soda – not kidding!).

The entire park is the size of New Jersey and is full of breathtaking waterfalls that fall from cliffs which hide ancient Aboriginal artwork, some of which is thought to be over 45,000 years old. It is a land of magic and beauty – and should not be missed.